An important focus at Temple Israel Ner Tamid is our many tzedakah/social action projects.
From making 100-150 peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless every Friday night to donating bags of food on Yom Kippur to collecting new socks and underwear, coats, hats and gloves, and personal items for those in need at area shelters and on the street…our philosophy is “don’t ask…DO.”

Teddy Bear Bank
Sometimes, when a crisis hits, a child needs a warm hug for comfort. That is why the TINT Teddy Bear Bank was established. We have sent dozens of soft, cuddly bears—often with cards written by our Religious School students—to youngsters in Ukraine; Texas, Joplin and North Carolina and Mississippi in the aftermath of tornadoes and hurricanes.

These toys are shipped to police and fire departments, Jewish community centers and synagogues, area churches and other first responder organizations in the affected areas. The bears are then handed out to children who are victims of traumatizing disasters. Most of these youngsters have lost everything – from toys to pets to, sadly, loved ones. A teddy bear to hold provides a small degree of comfort and a sense of control in times of trauma.
TINT’s Annual Autumn Blood Drive was on Sunday, October 22, 2023.
Each year we welcome the American Red Cross to our facility to collect lifesaving units from our members and the general public. Thank you to those who donated this year!