Collecting for Those In Need
“It is not for us to complete the task; neither are we free to desist from it.”
(Rabbi Tarfon, Pirke Avot)
These words of wisdom inform all of TINT’s missions of tzedakah. The social action committee is always looking at ways in which we can make a difference, so this fall we are making some exciting changes.
Right now we are asking for donations of new and warm gloves, scarves and hats; new underwear and socks for adults and children; new and gently used clean blankets; sleeping bags (new or cleaned and in good condition). Some of these will be distributed to the homeless with our peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches every Friday night.
In addition, we will gather goods and once a season create Blessing Bags to be distributed along with our PB&Js. When you purchase from the suggested list below, please select an item or two and buy deep (10 of 1 item) rather than wide (1 of 10 items).
Blessing Bag Suggested List
- Gallon Ziploc bags to create Blessing Bags
- soap
- shampoo
- deodorant
- toothbrushes
- toothpaste
- disposable razors
- hand lotion
- wet wipes
- band-aids
- hand sanitizer
- hygiene products in trial or travel sizes:
- razors, hand lotion, wet wipes, band-aids, hand sanitizer
- Chapstick or lip balm
- Small combs
- Purse-sized packets of tissues
- Packs of trail mix
Peanut butter* and jam donations or ziplock sandwich (and 1 quart) bags are always needed for our Friday night Sandwich Making! About 200 sandwiches are delivered to homeless people that night. Come help us during the Oneg after Shabbat services!
* Natural peanut butter while healthy, is very thick and hard to spread. Please donate smooth (not crunchy) processed peanut butter (Skippy, JIF, Peter Pan, etc.).
Why Peanut Butter & Jelly?
After every Friday night Shabbat service, TINT members and guests make 150 – 200 PB & J sandwiches that are given away that night to Cleveland’s homeless.
We estimate that 125,000 (or more) PB & J sandwiches have been handed out to feed those in need, since we started this project in November of 2008.
Read more about this project from the September, 2009 issue of the Cleveland Jewish News.